Prueba de Inglés parte 1 Agentes de Policía Local Ayuntamiento de Villanueva de la Cañada 2022
La máxima puntuación de este test son 10 puntos
Por cada pregunta fallada se le va restando 0.33 puntos a la nota final
Cada pregunta acertada equivale a 1 punto
Cada pregunta no contestada equivale a 0 puntos
1 - Did you know that _______ in the world is the Antartic blue whale?
2 - There are _______ reasons why you should follow your parents’ advice.
3 - Our manager is _______ France and she _______ English very fluently.
4 - Robert worked as _______ in Madrid until he retired in 2020.
5 - My sister and her boyfriend say that they _______ as soon as they settle down in the new city.
6 - I have no idea how Mary knows about her birthday present. I promise I _______ a word to her.
7 - Nobody could expect Jenn’s accident. She is a very ________ driver.
8 - Yesterday, I saw Kevin walking ______ dog in the park. ______ told ______ that he is teleworking for a Swedish company now.
9 - Can you tell me _______ people live in Edinburgh?
10 - _______, young people can’t live without their phones and social networks.
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