Prueba de Inglés parte 2 Agentes de Policía Local Ayuntamiento de Villanueva de la Cañada 2022
La máxima puntuación de este test son 10 puntos
Por cada pregunta fallada se le va restando 0.33 puntos a la nota final
Cada pregunta acertada equivale a 1 punto
Cada pregunta no contestada equivale a 0 puntos
1 - You _______ be really careful while you are using acid products.
2 - I’m afraid I don’t have ________ battery left in my phone. Could you ______ me a charger?
3 - _______ a huge police presence at the demonstration.
4 - ________ liked my grandmother. She was an amazing, beautiful person.
5 - John and I _______ some friends in Ireland next weekend.
6 - I ______ a Spanish omelette tonight _______ you go to the market and buy some eggs and potatoes.
7 - I have _______ free time this afternoon. Would you like to watch a movie?
8 - Despite being an English film, they spoke _______ for me to understand.
9 - Do you know if Alice _______ home at the moment?
10 - I called the police when I found a _______ crying alone in the street.
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