Tipo A Inglés Policía Local Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
La máxima puntuación de este test son 10 puntos
Por cada pregunta fallada se le va restando 0.33 puntos a la nota final
Cada pregunta acertada equivale a 1 punto
Cada pregunta no contestada equivale a 0 puntos
1 - Keep an eye on your luggage in the Metro ______ all times.
2 - Your car can’t go ______ Madrid 360. Its emissions are excessive.
3 - Drivers must check their headlights before ______ at night.
4 - If your mobile phone disappears, you should contact the ______ department.
5 - Streets in Madrid have ______ different speed limit depending on their lanes.
6 - My neighbours make a lot of noise ______ night, every night.
7 - Citizens ______ go to the town council to do their paperwork.
8 - ______ you see vandalised traffic sign, you can report it on 010.
9 - In the streets, all dogs ______ be walked with a leash.
10 - Parks in Madrid open ______ 7.30 to 22.30 most part of the year.
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